Protagonisti 21 maggio

Cristina Gallach

Alto Commissario per l’Agenda 2030 della Spagna

Cristina Gallach, alto funzionario dell'Unione Europea, è stata sottosegretario generale delle Nazioni Unite per le comunicazioni e l'informazione pubblica. Unica donna spagnola ad aver ricoperto posizioni di alto livello nell'Ue, l'Onu e la Nato, dal 2017 ha concentrato la sua attività professionale sulle tematiche dell'uguaglianza di genere e dell'inclusione nelle istituzioni europee. È anche stata portavoce e direttrice della comunicazione di Javier Solana, capo della diplomazia europea (1999-2009) e segretario generale della Nato (1996 -1999). Ha ricoperto il ruolo di capo dell'unità relazioni pubbliche nella direzione generale per l'informazione e la comunicazione del Consiglio dell'Unione europea. È stata editrice e reporter per vari media (Efe, Rtve, El periódico de Catalunya). Collabora con la Ong "Women in international security" e ha lavorato con fondazioni come Novia Salcedo, Ernest Lluch e il Círculo de economía.

Cristina Gallach is a high official of the European Union, currently High Commissioner for the Agenda 2030 in Spain. Former United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information, she has an extensive professional experience in the communication, international relations, security, defense and development policy fields. With great knowledge of the European institutions, which she joined in 1999, she is the only Spanish woman who has been in high-level positions in three of the most important international organizations: the EU, the UN and NATO. Since September 2017, she focused her professional activity on one of her passions: gender equality and the promotion of diversity and inclusion in the European Institutions. As United Nations Under-Secretary General (2014-2017), she led the design and implementation of global, regional and local communication of major current issues, with special emphasis on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted in September 2015, and in the Paris agreement. She launched partnerships with the private sector, non-governmental organizations and media for the promotion of actions and responsibilities of the United Nations on its 70th anniversary. She also undertook a modernization plan the multimedia broadcasting and Multilanguage platform. Gallach is also an expert on communication issues related to security, defense and crisis management, skill that she mastered while acting as Spokesperson and Director of Communication of Javier Solana, head of the European diplomacy (1999-2009) and Secretary General of NATO (1996-1999). She served the spokesperson in Brussels of the Spanish Presidency of the EU in 2010, when the Treaty of Lisbon entered into force. Gallach has also been Head of the Public Relations Unit in the Directorate General for Information and Communication of the Council of the European Union, and has been editor and reporter for various media, EFE, RTVE, El Periódico de Catalunya, among others. Cristina Gallach has consistently mentored young professionals through various NGOs with which she collaborates intensively, particularly 'Women in International Security', NGO where she acted as president at its Brussels headquarters. She has collaborated with Spanish private foundations such as Novia Salcedo (Bilbao), Ernest Lluch, of which she is the patron, and the Círculo de Economía (Barcelona). Her work as a communicator and her commitment to equality have been recognized with numerous awards, including from the Madrid Press Association and the Catalonian Association of European Journalists. In 2010, the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) named her one of the 12 most inspiring European people.