Opening conference of the Sustainable Development Festival 2019: live streaming

The opening conference of the third Sustainable Development Festival "Make Europe the world champion of sustainable development", which takes place the 21st May in Rome at Auditorium Parco della Musica (Petrassi Hall), focuses on the future of Europe.  

Watch the live streaming on this page, or on Facebook (@asvisitalia) in italian and on Youtube in English. You can also follow the event thanks to live tweeting (@ASviSItalia). Participate to the debate on the social media tagging our pages (FacebookTwitterLinkedinInstagramYoutube) and using the hashtag #SustainableDevelopmentFestival.



In 2019 the elections of the European Parliament, as well as the nomination of the new European Commission and of the President of the European Central Bank, will represent the beginning of a new political cycle for our continent, with significant impacts on the life of half a billion people. The European Union, as well as the entire world, is facing enormous economic, social, environmental and institutional challenges. The new European legislature will be asked to deliver effective and credible policies to improve the quality of life of European citizens and to contribute to a peaceful and prosperous world, within planetary boundaries.

The Lisbon Treaty recognises sustainable development as one of the main aims of the European Union and Europe, notwithstanding the crises of the last decade, is still the most sustainable geo-economic region of the world. Nevertheless, the EU is not on a sustainable path and, without a change in trajectory, will not achieve the Sustainable Development Goals agreed with the 2030 Agenda. In fact, the entire world will face huge economic, ecological and social risks, where conflicts for scarce resources, mass migrations, climate change-related disasters are expected to exacerbate political tensions within and between countries.  

To lead Europe and the world onto a sustainable path, institutional changes and significant shifts in EU and Member States’ economic, social and environmental policies are urgently needed. The aim of the opening Conference of the third Italian Sustainable Development Festival, which will be held just few days before the elections for the European Parliament, is to identify some of the key actions that European institutions need to undertake to strengthen their capacity to guide our continent and the world through turbulent times towards a more equitable and sustainable future.

The opening event of the 2019 Sustainable Development Festival, taking place just a few days before the elections of the European Parliament, will try to identify the key actions needed by the European institutions in order to strenghten their role as guides towards a fairer and more sustainable future. The event will see the involvement of young people to decide the future of Europe.



Spot Festival 2019, Let's lend our hands to the future